Saturday, September 02, 2006

domestic with william carlos

this is just to say

that I was saving them for breakfast
to share with you at breakfast
as thoughtful people do

and I hope that they were sweet enough
and cold enough at that
to warrant three nights on the couch
coz that's in store for you my dear
that's what's in store for you.

Well anyway, cathartic as the gratuitous character assassination of my previous post was, it's time we moved on, eh? I don't have any big news, so what can I tell you?

Lily and Den are toilet-training their cat (or, as the instructional video puts it, torletting their cat). It's very exciting.

The skies of London are really huge. Why is that? People say Perth skies are the biggest on earth, and it's supposed to be the flatness of the land that does it. But maybe it's the deep, dramatic perspectives you get here, with buildings and monuments rising up one behind the other. As I walk around the place I feel sort of borne aloft, like Nelson.

I got some work transcribing academic interviews through an acquaintance, and it's quite fun. The best thing is, all the files I've done so far relate to this exhibition, so you'll hear a mumbled phrase, and you'll have to go back and listen to it two or three times before it finally resolves itself into 'animatronic penguin'. Excellent.