Wednesday, March 22, 2006

kamikaze doocing 1.1

I just wrote a very angry post about my job and deleted it again, because unless you live on a garbage tip with your twelve brothers and sisters, it's hard to make your complaints about work sound compelling. And there's nothing more irritating after airing your grievances than failing to receive abundant sympathy. Suffice to say that my boss is, as the Italians put it, proprio in fuori. Wild mood swings, garbled demands, and, the latest installment, the malicious and excessive docking of a teacher's pay for a simple mistake, meaning that the rest of us will be finding every possible excuse to feed him next month rather than letting him starve.

Some people have noticed, and I love you all, that it's been over a month since I posted. This whole thing with work has me so knotted up and nauseous that I have lost my will to blog, and that makes me mad. Until I have something coherent and generally grateful to say, let me report that I had some people to visit, we went to Venice and Cinque Terre and they are still beautiful, and I have never embarked on a job hunt with so much relish. It's amazing how your fear of the unknown just melts away when the known is so execrable.

Here's a treat for sitting through my silence and my whingeing. If you go here you can get yourself a gmail account, and I cannot recommend this highly enough.